Wouldn’t it be so much easier if everything were paperless? We work with lots of companies across the UK that have teams out on the road all day.
We want to take the pain out of issuing instructions to staff, be they delivery trucks, service engineers or patient transfer vehicles.
Introducing a new way of working- WorkPlanner.
We have created WORKPLANNER, an easy to use job despatch and closed call reporting system which can be used without the need for expensive dedicated mobile terminals.You can use this job despatch software to handle job assignments, information or instructions and return closed call reports. By having an electronic process in place to despatch jobs and get quick results on the outcome can really improve efficiency. WORKPLANNER can be viewed on a computer, tablet and smart phones.
We can even link WORKPLANNER to our vehicle tracking software so that jobs can be displayed on a map and colour coded at every stage so that you can quickly see what is happening in the field in real-time.
How does the fleet service management software work?
We will create electronic versions of your current paperwork. Once jobs have been created they can be easily assigned via drag and drop straight into diaries. If your job needs more than one resource it stays in view waiting to be assigned to others.
Each member of staff can keep you informed of the status of the job by submitting job details at any stage. For example, arrived on site, started job, parts required before completion. Once completed, they can capture a customer signature and any images required and submit these back to you instantly.
If you want to improve the efficiency of job despatch and save yourself a lot of time then, get in touch. Call us today on 0208 402 2350 or send us an email