We are sure you will be aware of the rising costs of insurance. Changes in legislation and the increased awareness of corporate liability can all add to the costs for your company if an employee is involved in an accident. We work with fleet managers that are responsible for cars, vans and trucks. By installing a very affordable and discreet accident recorder they can greatly reduce their expenditure in the case of any claims following an accident.
How do the accidents reorder work?
An accident recorder is a small discreet device that sits in the windscreen of the vehicle. It continually records footage as soon as the engine is switched on. Each journey is completed recorded and saved onto a SD card. In the event of an accident the footage can be taken from the SD card and viewed.
What are the benefits of using an accident recorder?
We have worked with some companies that have struggled to get insurance for their vehicles, because of the large number of past claims. By installing an accident recorder they have been able to renew their insurance. In addition in the case of an accident they have been able to quickly provide the insurance companies with evidence which shows whether their employee was responsible for the accident or not.
If you want to reduce costs and efficiently manage the process in the case of an accident then, get in touch with us... Call us today on 0208 402 2350 or send us an email